Bengali Islamists warn Mamata that Bengal should declare its independence from Modi control

Jashimuddin Rahmani Hafi, a prominent figure in Islamic radicalism, has recently stirred international concern with a provocative video that calls for significant geopolitical upheaval. Rahmani, the chief of the Ansarullah Bangla Team (ABT)—an al-Qaida-affiliated terrorist organization—has issued inflammatory statements aimed at destabilizing India and furthering extremist agendas. His recent release from prison and the subsequent calls for violence and secession have raised alarm bells globally.

The Background

Jashimuddin Rahmani, known for his radical views and connections with Pakistan-based terrorist groups, was recently released from prison after a military-backed interim government assumed power in Bangladesh. The interim government, led by Nobel laureate Muhammad Yunus, took charge following the ouster of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina on August 5, 2024, amid widespread protests. Rahmani, previously jailed for five years for the murder of a blogger, was released on parole in August. His release and subsequent activities have been closely monitored due to his dangerous affiliations and the nature of his rhetoric.

The Viral Video

In a video that has since gone viral, Rahmani calls upon West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee to “free Bengal from Modi’s rule and declare its independence.” The video, likely recorded in early September 2024 as indicated by Rahmani’s reference to “one month of the revolution,” showcases his radical ideology and intentions. Rahmani’s exhortations are aimed not only at creating a secessionist movement within West Bengal but also at broader destabilization efforts across India.

Rahmani’s statements in the video are alarmingly aggressive. He threatens to disrupt India’s northeastern states by enlisting China’s help to sever the Siliguri corridor, a vital land connection often referred to as the “chicken’s neck.” This corridor is crucial for India’s northeastern states as it links them to the rest of the country. Rahmani’s threat to involve China underscores the gravity of his intentions and his willingness to escalate regional tensions.

Regional Implications

Rahmani’s threats extend beyond mere secessionist rhetoric. His remarks include a warning against any perceived aggression towards Bangladesh and a call for strategic retaliation. He explicitly states that Bangladesh’s large Muslim population would rise up if provoked by India. His threats include violent imagery, with promises of severe consequences for any actions taken against Bangladesh. This inflammatory language reflects a broader strategy aimed at inciting conflict and leveraging religious identity for political gains.

Furthermore, Rahmani’s call for support from Pakistan and Afghanistan to “liberate Kashmir” and promote Khalistan, a separatist movement in Punjab, reveals his intent to foster regional instability. His endorsement of these movements aligns with his organization’s goals of disrupting national unity and promoting extremist agendas.

The Threat of Ansarullah Bangla Team (ABT)

The Ansarullah Bangla Team (ABT), led by Rahmani, is a significant threat to regional security. The organization, affiliated with al-Qaida in the Indian Subcontinent (AQIS), is known for its extremist activities and efforts to establish a jihadi network within India. Intelligence reports have linked ABT with Pakistan-based Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT), another notorious terrorist group. ABT’s collaboration with LeT and other extremist groups poses a direct threat to India, particularly in its northeastern region.

In recent years, ABT operatives have been arrested in Assam, highlighting the group’s efforts to infiltrate and disrupt Indian security. The group’s radical ideology and plans to carry out attacks have been a growing concern for Indian authorities. The release of Rahmani and his subsequent activities are viewed as a serious escalation in ABT’s operations.

Concerns for India

India’s security establishment is understandably concerned about Rahmani’s statements and the potential for increased terrorist activities. His calls for secession and radical actions are not only a threat to national unity but also an attempt to exploit regional tensions for extremist purposes. The fact that Bangladesh has released such a radical figure and allowed him to propagate messages of hatred adds to the concern. This move could potentially encourage further radicalization and destabilize the region.

Moreover, the timing of Rahmani’s video, coinciding with domestic unrest in West Bengal following a tragic incident involving a trainee doctor, adds another layer of complexity. The turmoil within West Bengal could create an environment susceptible to Rahmani’s divisive messages and further exacerbate regional tensions.


Jashimuddin Rahmani’s recent statements and his release from prison underscore a pressing threat to regional stability and security. His calls for secession, violent retaliation, and the involvement of foreign powers in regional conflicts highlight the dangerous nature of his ideology. As a leader of a terrorist organization with strong ties to al-Qaida, Rahmani’s actions and rhetoric demand serious attention from both national and international security agencies. The threat posed by Rahmani and ABT is a stark reminder of the ongoing challenges in countering extremism and maintaining regional peace.

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