Cousins Die By Suicide In UP After Families Oppose Their Relationship

Tragedy struck the Astoli village when two young lives were lost due to familial opposition to their relationship. Kuldeep, 20, and his 18-year-old cousin were discovered hanging in a hut near their home after their families opposed their affair. This heartbreaking incident sheds light on the severe consequences of family disapproval and the need to address such sensitive topics with empathy and understanding.

The Incident Overview

The tragic event unfolded on a Friday when a family member, while collecting hay for cattle, discovered Kuldeep and his cousin hanging in a hut. The Additional Superintendent of Police, Manoj Kumar Awasthi, reported that Kuldeep had been married off a few months prior, and his cousin was scheduled to marry on July 9. The discovery of their bodies led to an immediate police investigation, with the bodies sent for post-mortem to determine the exact cause of death.

Understanding the Social Context

The cultural and social dynamics of rural India play a significant role in relationships. In many regions, family approval is paramount, and relationships, especially those perceived as taboo like cousin relationships, face severe scrutiny. Families often prioritize societal norms and honor over individual happiness, leading to intense emotional and psychological pressure on the young couple.

The Emotional Toll of Familial Opposition

The opposition from families can lead to profound emotional distress. Individuals in such situations often experience feelings of isolation, hopelessness, and depression. The psychological burden of choosing between family approval and personal happiness can be overwhelming, leading to tragic outcomes like suicide.

Cultural Norms and Relationships

Historically, cousin marriages have been practiced in various cultures worldwide. However, modern views and legal aspects vary significantly. In some regions, cousin marriages are legally accepted, while in others, they are strictly prohibited. This legal ambiguity often exacerbates familial opposition, creating a complex environment for couples.

Mental Health and Social Stigma

Mental health remains a stigmatized topic, particularly in rural areas. There is a severe lack of mental health resources and support, making it difficult for individuals to seek help. The stigma surrounding mental health issues often prevents people from discussing their struggles openly, leading to untreated conditions and tragic consequences.

Warning Signs and Prevention

Recognizing the warning signs of distress and suicidal tendencies is crucial in preventing such tragedies. Changes in behavior, withdrawal from social interactions, and verbal hints about self-harm are some indicators. Families and communities need to be vigilant and offer support, ensuring that individuals feel heard and valued.

The Role of Communication in Families

Open and honest communication within families is vital in preventing such incidents. Families should create a supportive environment where members can express their feelings without fear of judgment. Effective communication strategies include active listening, empathy, and regular family discussions about important issues.

Legal Aspects and Family Opposition

The legal stance on cousin marriages varies globally, influencing family decisions. In some regions, cousin marriages are permissible, while in others, they are frowned upon or outright illegal. These legal frameworks impact how families perceive such relationships, often leading to opposition rooted in fear of legal repercussions or societal backlash.

Case Studies of Similar Incidents

Examining similar incidents can provide valuable insights. Comparative analysis of cases where familial opposition led to tragic outcomes reveals common patterns and lessons. These case studies underscore the importance of addressing the root causes of family opposition and providing adequate support systems.

Impact on the Community

Such tragedies have a ripple effect on the community, leading to collective grief and a heightened sense of urgency to prevent similar incidents. Communities can come together to support affected families, promote mental health awareness, and create a more accepting environment for young couples.

The Role of Education and Awareness

Education and awareness are key to preventing such tragedies. Community programs aimed at educating families about mental health, the importance of support, and the value of individual happiness can make a significant difference. Promoting awareness can help shift cultural norms towards more acceptance and understanding.

Support Systems and Resources

There are various support systems and resources available for individuals facing familial opposition. Mental health hotlines, counseling services, and community support groups can provide much-needed assistance. It’s essential to spread awareness about these resources to ensure that individuals know where to turn for help.


The tragic deaths of Kuldeep and his cousin highlight the severe consequences of familial opposition. Addressing these issues requires a multifaceted approach, including promoting open communication, providing mental health support, and educating families about the importance of acceptance and understanding. By taking these steps, we can prevent such tragedies and support young couples in their pursuit of happiness.

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