Fake currency notes printed by Maoists seized from Chhattisgarh forest

The recent recovery of a massive cache of fake currency notes printed by Maoists in Chhattisgarh’s Sukma district marks a significant breakthrough in the ongoing fight against insurgency. This operation, conducted by a joint team of security forces, uncovered not only the counterfeit notes but also the equipment used for their production, highlighting a new dimension of the Maoist strategy to fund their activities.

The Discovery

On a forested hill near Korajguda village, security forces discovered a substantial amount of fake currency notes and the tools used for printing them. This operation involved personnel from the Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF)’s 50th battalion, District Reserve Guard (DRG), Bastar Fighters, and the district force. Based on intelligence inputs, the team launched a search operation targeting areas known for Maoist activity, including Mailasur, Korajguda, and Danteshpuram.

Background on Maoist Activities

Maoist insurgency has been a persistent challenge in Chhattisgarh for over three decades. The region has witnessed numerous encounters and operations aimed at curbing the influence of these insurgents. Despite continuous efforts, the Maoists have adapted their strategies to sustain their movement, including using fake currency to finance their operations.

Fake Currency Operation

The Maoists had allegedly been using the counterfeit notes in the weekly markets of interior Bastar, deceiving innocent tribals. The fake currency in denominations of ₹50, ₹100, ₹200, and ₹500 was circulated to procure various items, thereby duping local vendors. This illicit operation not only undermined the local economy but also highlighted the extent to which Maoists would go to maintain their funding.

Details of the Seized Equipment

During the search, security personnel recovered a variety of equipment used for printing fake currency. This included a colored printing machine, a black and white printer, an inverter machine, 200 bottles of ink, four printer cartridges, nine printer rollers, six wireless sets, their chargers, and batteries. Additionally, they found two muzzle-loading guns, a large cache of explosives, and Naxal uniforms.

Impact on Maoist Funding

The discovery of the fake currency operation is a significant blow to the Maoists’ financial resources. With traditional funding channels under pressure due to continuous anti-Naxal operations, the insurgents turned to counterfeit currency as an alternative source of funds. This recovery disrupts their financial network and hinders their ability to procure supplies and sustain their activities.

Response from Authorities

Sukma superintendent of police, Kiran Chavan, emphasized the importance of this recovery, noting that it is the first time fake currency notes linked to Maoists have been found in the state. Chavan highlighted the ongoing efforts to cut off Maoist funding and the significance of this operation in choking their financial resources.

Role of the Security Forces

The successful operation was a result of the coordinated efforts of various security forces. The CRPF, DRG, Bastar Fighters, and the district force worked together to track down and dismantle the Maoists’ fake currency operation. Despite the challenges posed by the dense forest terrain and the threat of insurgent attacks, the forces managed to carry out the operation effectively.

Community Reaction

The local tribal communities, often victims of the Maoists’ deceptive practices, have responded positively to the recovery. This operation has not only protected them from further exploitation but also restored some trust in the security forces. Ensuring the safety and well-being of these communities is crucial in the ongoing efforts to combat Maoist influence.

Significance of the Recovery

This recovery is a major breakthrough in the fight against Maoist insurgency. It reveals a new aspect of their funding strategies and provides valuable intelligence that can aid future operations. The seizure of such a large amount of fake currency and the equipment used for its production is a significant setback for the Maoists.

Future Implications

The operation’s success could lead to changes in Maoist strategies. With their fake currency operation exposed, they may seek alternative methods to finance their activities. This recovery also sets a precedent for future operations, highlighting the importance of intelligence gathering and inter-agency cooperation in combating insurgency.

Challenges Ahead

Despite this success, the threat from Maoist insurgents remains. They are likely to regroup and adapt their strategies in response to this setback. Continuous vigilance and proactive measures are essential to prevent further activities and ensure the safety of local communities.

Preventive Measures

To prevent the circulation of fake currency, it is crucial to enhance security measures in local markets and increase community awareness. Educating the public about recognizing counterfeit notes and reporting suspicious activities can help mitigate the impact of such operations. Strengthening the local economy and providing alternative livelihood options for tribals can also reduce their vulnerability to Maoist exploitation.


The recovery of fake currency notes and printing equipment from the Maoists in Sukma district is a significant achievement in the fight against insurgency. It underscores the adaptability of Maoist strategies and the importance of continuous efforts to disrupt their operations. By cutting off their financial resources, security forces can weaken the Maoists’ influence and protect local communities from exploitation.

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