Father scolds son for coming home drunk, he died jumping off from high-rise

In a heartbreaking incident in Gurugram, a 20-year-old college student named Siddhant ended his life by jumping from a high-rise building after being scolded by his father for coming home drunk. This tragic event underscores the critical issues surrounding parental pressure, alcohol consumption among young adults, and the dire consequences that can ensue when these factors converge. By examining this incident, we aim to shed light on the broader implications and explore preventive measures that can help avoid such tragedies in the future.

The Incident in Gurugram

Late on Monday, at the Orchid Petals Society in Sector 49 of Gurugram, Siddhant, a BBA student, came home intoxicated and faced his father’s wrath. His father sternly warned him against repeating the behavior, leading Siddhant to feel deeply distressed. Overwhelmed by his emotions, Siddhant went to the 14th floor of Tower 18 in the housing society and jumped, ending his life. The Gurugram Police were promptly informed and took custody of his body, launching an investigation into the matter.

Understanding Parental Pressure

Parental pressure refers to the expectations and demands parents place on their children to achieve certain goals or behave in specific ways. While often well-intentioned, this pressure can become overwhelming, especially when children feel they cannot meet these expectations. Common causes include academic performance, career choices, and behaviors deemed unacceptable, such as alcohol consumption.

Alcohol Consumption Among College Students

Alcohol consumption is prevalent among college students for various reasons, including peer pressure, stress relief, and the desire for social acceptance. However, this behavior carries significant risks, including impaired judgment, addiction, and mental health issues. For many young adults, drinking can become a coping mechanism that exacerbates existing stressors rather than alleviating them.

Mental Health Implications

The link between parental pressure and mental health is well-documented. Excessive pressure can lead to anxiety, depression, and feelings of inadequacy. When combined with alcohol consumption, these issues can be magnified. Alcohol can worsen depression and anxiety, impairing an individual’s ability to cope with stress and leading to destructive behaviors, including self-harm and suicide.

Signs of Distress in Young Adults

Recognizing the signs of distress in young adults is crucial for timely intervention. Behavioral signs include withdrawal from social activities, changes in eating and sleeping patterns, and increased irritability. Emotional and psychological signs may involve persistent sadness, feelings of hopelessness, and thoughts of self-harm. Parents, friends, and educators should be vigilant and proactive in addressing these signs.

The Role of Communication in Families

Open and honest communication within families is vital for maintaining mental health and preventing conflicts from escalating. Parents should strive to create a safe environment where children feel comfortable expressing their feelings and concerns. Strategies for effective communication include active listening, empathy, and avoiding judgmental or harsh language.

Preventive Measures for Parents

Parents play a critical role in guiding their children’s behavior and emotional well-being. When conflicts arise, it is essential to address them calmly and constructively. Encouraging responsible behavior involves setting clear expectations and consequences while also providing support and understanding. Additionally, educating children about the risks of alcohol and promoting healthy coping mechanisms can help prevent substance abuse.

Support Systems for Students

Students facing mental health challenges need access to robust support systems. This includes mental health resources such as counseling services, hotlines, and peer support groups. Colleges and universities should actively promote these resources and ensure students know how to access them. Peer support can also be invaluable, as friends can offer understanding, empathy, and encouragement.

Impact on the Community

Tragic incidents like Siddhant’s death have a profound impact on the community. Community members can support affected families by offering condolences, emotional support, and practical assistance. Community initiatives, such as mental health awareness programs and substance abuse prevention campaigns, can play a crucial role in preventing similar tragedies.

Legal and Social Perspectives

Understanding the legal and social perspectives surrounding underage drinking and mental health is essential for addressing these issues comprehensively. Laws regarding underage drinking vary, but they typically aim to reduce access to alcohol for minors. Social attitudes towards alcohol consumption and mental health are also evolving, with increasing recognition of the importance of mental health and responsible drinking.

The Role of Educational Institutions

Educational institutions have a responsibility to support students’ mental health and well-being. This includes providing resources and services such as counseling, stress management workshops, and mental health awareness campaigns. Promoting a supportive and inclusive campus culture can help students feel more connected and less isolated.

Personal Stories and Testimonies

Sharing personal stories and testimonies can humanize these issues and offer valuable insights. Similar cases of young adults facing parental pressure and turning to alcohol can highlight the importance of early intervention and support. Personal experiences from students and parents can also provide practical advice and encouragement for those facing similar challenges.


The tragic death of Siddhant in Gurugram serves as a stark reminder of the devastating impact of parental pressure and alcohol consumption on young adults. By understanding the underlying issues and implementing preventive measures, we can work towards creating a safer and more supportive environment for our youth. Open communication, access to mental health resources, and community support are crucial in preventing such tragedies and fostering the well-being of young adults.

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