Meghan Markle sidelined by Prince Harry in shocking reuinon with William

When Prince Harry unexpectedly pushed the Duchess aside during his reunion with Prince William and Princess Kate at the most trying period for the royal family, his wife Meghan Markle was left stunned.

During a stroll around Windsor after the tragic death of Queen Elizabeth in September 2022, the “Fab Four” got back together. The video of the meeting of the two royal couples has been examined by an expert.

Body language specialist Jesús Enrique Rosas discussed the incident on his YouTube channel, Royal Rogue. He said that at one point, Harry seemed to “push his wife away from William and Catherine” in one of the most “spectacular displays of body language” they had ever witnessed.

As they prepared to drive away, Harry was directing Meghan to her seat in the vehicle. But, there seemed to have been a mix-up, as he first attempted to direct the Duchess to the passenger seat, which was taken by Princess Kate.

The Duke of Sussex moved behind his wife at this precise time, putting his hands on her waist as if to push her past William.

Prince Harry shockingly sidelines Meghan Markle in a reunion with William and Kate
Nonetheless, others claim that Harry shielded Meghan from harm amid the difficult exchanges when they were meeting with mourning crowds—their first intimate gathering since the 2021 Oprah Winfrey interview.

In addition, the expert offered commentary on Kate’s appearance, stating: “It was evident that Catherine was comfortable, but she still looked amazing. She perfectly captured the appropriate response to situations when one must share the stage with others.

Meghan seemed anxious as she turned to face Catherine, and for a brief moment, her left hand covered her breast. Catherine had her chin up, her hands relaxed, and she was walking tall.”

“I have seen Catherine walking a thousand times and she usually doesn’t have her chin that high up – in some scenarios, it could be read as arrogance, but in this case, it was more like… she was showing who was in charge,” he said, sharing her analysis of Kate’s confidence during the much-anticipated reunion.

“Despite what was being requested of William and Catherine at this moment, they behaved most diplomatically and politely, and that is the ability that some people have, that is part of emotional intelligence.”

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