The American Business Water Coalition (ABWC) conducted a survey focused on water issues in the United States 

The survey examined topics like water quality, federal infrastructure funding, and perceived risks to businesses and communities related to water crises 

A significant finding was that 79 percent of Americans are more likely to support political candidates who advocate for increased funding for clean and reliable drinking water 

The survey was conducted independently by ABWC through SurveyMonkey® from August 29 to September 1, 2023 

It included 585 adults aged 18 or older and was conducted in English, covering various demographic factors 

Concerns have been raised about proposed cuts to the Clean Water and Drinking Water State Revolving Funds (SRFs) and Congressionally Directed Spending (CDS) in the water sector 

ABWC CEO Mae Stevens emphasized the connection between water infrastructure funding and the local economy's health 

Nearly all U.S. voters agree that clean water access is crucial for businesses, with over 98 percent indicating its importance for routine operations 

The survey reveals that voters are increasingly concerned about funding challenges for water utilities jeopardizing American businesses 

A majority of respondents believe that the federal government should be the primary source of future funding for water infrastructure, with 45 percent preferring federal funding over higher water bills or taxes