Armenian families in Nagorno-Karabakh faced hunger and exhaustion as they fled their homes following a swift military operation by Azerbaijan's forces 

Approximately 19,000 out of 120,000 ethnic Armenians residing in Nagorno-Karabakh had fled to Armenia due to the conflict 

Many refugees embarked on treacherous journeys in overcrowded vehicles, including trucks and tractors, enduring hardships and hunger 

The exodus was driven by the urgent need for survival, as civilians fled to escape the conflict, leaving behind their homes and possessions 

Panic buying at fuel stations in the Karabakh region occurred as residents rushed to secure essential supplies amid the crisis 

Samantha Power, USAID chief, called on Azerbaijan to maintain a ceasefire and protect the rights of civilians in Nagorno-Karabakh. The U.S. condemned the use of force 

The U.S. urged Azerbaijan to fully reopen the Lachin corridor, allow aid deliveries, and permit international monitoring to address the dire needs of the population 

The U.S. pledged $11.5 million in emergency aid for Nagorno-Karabakh to support relief efforts 

Troubling reports of violence against civilians emerged, though independent verification of the military operation's details remained challenging 

The conflict's resolution alters the power dynamics in the South Caucasus region, with Russia, the United States, Turkey, and Iran vying for influence, while Armenia seeks closer ties with the West