Some credit card companies offer auto insurance coverage for Turo rentals, while others do not. 

It’s important to read the terms and conditions of your credit card auto insurance policy carefully to understand what’s covered and what’s not. 

If your credit card auto insurance does cover Turo rentals, there may be certain requirements you need to meet in order to be eligible for coverage.  

For example, you may need to decline the CDW offered by Turo and use your credit card’s coverage instead. 

You may also need to be the primary renter of the car and use your credit card to pay for the rental. 

It’s worth noting that even if your credit card auto insurance does cover Turo rentals, there may be some limitations to the coverage.  

For example, some credit card companies may have limits on the length of the rental period, or may only provide coverage for certain types of vehicles. 

Additionally, there may be exclusions or restrictions on coverage for certain countries or regions.