Understand the existence of healthcare disparities, such as racial bias in medicine and its impact on medical care 

Know that you have the right to advocate for your health, regardless of your background or previous experiences 

Before your medical appointment, create a list of concerns, goals, and specific symptoms to discuss with your provider 

Keep a symptom diary to provide precise details about your condition, such as when symptoms occur and potential triggers 

Share your medical history, including chronic illnesses, medications, and family medical issues, with your healthcare provider 

Educate yourself about your condition by researching trusted medical sources, but be cautious of unreliable information 

Ask about the cost of your visit with and without insurance to make informed financial decisions regarding your healthcare 

Bring a trusted friend or family member to your appointment to provide support and help ask questions 

Take notes during the appointment or request permission to record it to ensure you understand your diagnosis and treatment plan 

Don't hesitate to ask your provider to explain their decisions, inquire about alternative diagnoses or treatments, and clarify any uncertainties about your health 

Make the most of your limited time with the doctor by providing a detailed reason for your visit and addressing all concerns 

After the appointment, review your notes with your provider, ask about next steps, and utilize online patient portals for follow-up questions