The U.S. House and Senate face a high-stakes spending battle with just five days left before a potential government shutdown 

The Democratic-controlled Senate plans to vote on a stopgap funding bill with bipartisan support to keep the government running temporarily 

Republican House Speaker Kevin McCarthy intends to push forward with four full-year spending bills reflecting conservative priorities, despite slim chances of becoming law 

If an agreement isn't reached, hundreds of thousands of federal workers may be furloughed, and various services, including economic data releases and nutrition benefits, will be suspended 

The National Zoo in Washington may have to curtail its farewell party for three giant pandas if a shutdown occurs 

Congress has shut down the government 14 times since 1981, but most shutdowns have been short-lived and haven't significantly impacted the economy 

Moody's warns that a shutdown could negatively affect the U.S. government's AAA credit rating, highlighting worsening political polarization 

President Joe Biden and McCarthy had previously agreed on discretionary spending levels, but some Republican lawmakers demand $120 billion in cuts 

The U.S. budget for this fiscal year is set at $6.4 trillion, and there are no considerations to cut popular benefit programs like Social Security and Medicare 

The House may focus on passing four full-year bills first, even though they won't fund the entire government or prevent a shutdown, potentially leading to a chaotic situation