Hundreds of thousands of federal employees would either work without pay, work with pay, or be furloughed if a government shutdown occurs 

Essential workers like law enforcement and national defense personnel would continue working, while others might work without pay 

State employees relying on federal funds could be out of work if their roles are considered non-essential 

Those employed by private entities not reliant on federal funding may not be affected 

Service members would not receive pay during a shutdown but would still be required to report for duty, potentially impacting military operations and recruitment 

Essential air traffic controllers would continue working without pay, but the training for new controllers would cease, exacerbating an existing shortage in the field 

TSA personnel, along with air traffic controllers, would show up to work without immediate pay, affecting airport security 

Thousands of national park rangers could be furloughed, leading to the closure of most national parks during a shutdown. Essential personnel for resource protection and safety would be retained 

A shutdown could lead to delays in clinical trials for medical treatments, food safety inspections, and inspections of hazardous waste sites, drinking water, and chemical facilities due to furloughs at the FDA and NIH 

An estimated 50,000 USDA workers would be furloughed, impacting agriculture and related services 

Subcontracted workers employed by third parties may not receive backpay, risking income loss, health coverage, and retirement contributions during a shutdown 

The Postal Service, funded independently through product and service sales, would remain unaffected by a government shutdown, and employees would receive their regular pay