Prioritize paying off expensive debts, such as credit cards and overdrafts, before considering investing.

Build a cash fund to cover three to six months' worth of essential expenses in case of emergencies.

Make use of tax allowances, such as pensions or ISAs, to maximize your savings.

Consider starting with DIY investing through investment platforms and fund supermarkets.

Research and choose your own investments based on your preferences and goals.

Compare fees and charges among different investment platforms to ensure cost-effectiveness.

Start small with regular investments, even from as little as Β£25 a month, and gradually increase your contributions.

Opt for pooled funds, like unit trusts or tracker funds, for diversified investments and lower administration costs.

Adopt a long-term mindset and view investing as a journey rather than a quick way to make money.

Be cautious of investment schemes that guarantee high returns or approach you unsolicited, as they may indicate potential scams.