In some states, credit card processing fees are subject to sales tax.  

This means that if you are located in one of these states, you will need to collect and remit sales tax on the fees you pay to your credit card processor.

On the other hand, in states where credit card processing fees are not subject to sales tax, you do not need to collect or remit any tax on these fees. 

It is important to note that even in states where credit card processing fees are subject to sales tax, there may be exemptions or exclusions that apply. 

For example, some states exempt certain types of businesses, such as non-profit organizations, from having to pay sales tax on credit card processing fees.

It is also worth mentioning that sales tax laws can vary widely between states and can change frequently.  

Therefore, it is important to consult with a tax professional or do your own research to ensure that you are in compliance with the tax laws in your state.

In addition to sales tax, there may be other fees associated with credit card processing that you should be aware of.