House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer (R-Ky.) has issued subpoenas for President Biden's son Hunter Biden's personal and business bank records 

The subpoenas also target the bank records of President Biden's brother James Biden and Hunter Biden's associate Eric Schwerin 

These subpoenas are part of the House GOP's impeachment inquiry into President Biden 

Chairman Comer stated that the investigation has been following the money to uncover potential abuse of public office by Joe Biden 

The bank records are seen as crucial in revealing any financial connections between the president and his family 

Comer's decision to issue subpoenas came after a challenging initial hearing in the impeachment inquiry 

He hopes these bank records will shed light on the source of foreign income and whether it was concealed 

The investigation aims to determine if Joe Biden used his office for personal financial gain 

Multiple House committees, including the House Oversight Committee, House Judiciary Committee, and House Ways and Means Committee, are involved in the impeachment inquiry 

The inquiry has sparked debate between Republicans and Democrats, with the former focusing on potential wrongdoing by President Biden and the latter urging attention to other pressing matters like a government shutdown