Child care is increasingly vital for women entrepreneurs, as it allows them to focus on their businesses without compromising on their children's care 

Traditionally, men didn't consider child care as they were not primary caretakers. However, for today's entrepreneurial women, child care is a significant concern 

Women entrepreneurs and leaders urge Congress to expand the child tax credit, providing more financial support for families to manage both work and child care 

The burden of child care overwhelmingly falls on mothers, limiting their career options and forcing them to opt out of the workplace 

With federal funds for child care running out, child care facilities may close, making affordable care even scarcer and more expensive 

Motherhood often inspires entrepreneurship, as mothers excel in problem-solving, prioritization, and delegation – essential skills for business success 

The absence of accessible and affordable child care hinders economic growth, innovation, and women's ambitions in the workforce 

Women, especially women of color, are starting businesses at record-breaking rates, making affordable child care a critical need 

Women-founded companies contribute significantly to the economy, generating approximately $1.8 trillion annually and outperforming male-founded counterparts 

The cost of child care is a significant barrier to women founders, and they face challenges in accessing venture capital, loans, and support