Donald Trump addressed the California Republican Party convention in Anaheim, where he made several controversial statements 

Trump complained that wealthy people in Beverly Hills were facing water shortages, suggesting they smell bad due to this issue 

He reiterated false claims about widespread election fraud during his speech 

Trump called for violent retribution against criminals, stating that those who rob stores should expect to be shot as they leave 

California is a crucial state in the Super Tuesday primaries, with 169 delegates at stake 

Trump enjoys significant support among likely Republican primary voters in California, with nearly half of them backing him 

His tough-on-crime stance and focus on divisive issues have raised questions about his appeal to a broader set of voters in a general election 

Trump has a history of controversial statements regarding crime, such as proposing shooting migrants and the death penalty for drug dealers 

Homicides and violent crimes have been on the rise in California, contributing to the Republican focus on crime as a campaign issue 

Trump criticized California's Democratic leaders for issues like homelessness, open borders, high taxes, and rising crime, suggesting the state is in decline and becoming a "dumping ground