The U.S. and China have established Economic and Financial Working Groups to address geopolitical and trade tensions 

These Working Groups aim to facilitate discussions on economic and financial policy matters 

Secretary of the Treasury Janet Yellen and Vice Premier He Lifeng will lead the Working Groups 

The formation of these groups follows a consensus reached during Yellen's visit to Beijing in July 

President Joe Biden directed deeper communication between the U.S. and China following his meeting with President Xi Jinping 

The Economic Working Group will be led by the U.S. Department of the Treasury and China's Ministry of Finance 

The Financial Working Group will be led by the U.S. Department of the Treasury and the People's Bank of China 

The groups will meet regularly and report their progress to Yellen and He 

U.S.-China relations have faced challenges, including issues related to Taiwan and trade 

Geopolitical tensions and economic uncertainties have affected U.S. investments in China, leading to decreased optimism among American companies