The U.S. national debt has reached an all-time high, surpassing $33 trillion, raising concerns about government spending 

In just four decades, the national debt has skyrocketed from around $907 billion to over $33 trillion 

Debt held by the public has recently exceeded $26 trillion, highlighting the magnitude of the issue 

Experts warn that despite the enormity of these numbers, they remain a significant danger to the economy 

Congress is rushing to prevent a government shutdown at the end of September, adding urgency to the debt situation 

House Republicans propose a short-term plan to fund the government through October 31, but it faces opposition 

The national debt keeps growing, with little progress made in addressing it, according to Michael Peterson of the Peter G. Peterson Foundation 

Congressional Budget Office predicts the national debt will nearly double in size over the next three decades 

The spike in interest rates has made servicing the national debt more expensive, becoming the fastest-growing part of the federal budget 

Interest payments on the national debt are projected to reach $5.4 trillion by 2053, surpassing spending on critical programs like Social Security and Medicare