People start businesses in the U.S. for various reasons, including higher income, achieving work-life balance, and combating unemployment 

OnDeck's infographic uses data from the U.S. Census Bureau to highlight the unique motivations for starting businesses in different states 

The map in the infographic tracks reasons that stand out compared to the U.S. average, such as in Delaware, where more people start businesses because they "couldn't find jobs 

Entrepreneurship rates in the U.S. have been on the rise over the past two decades, with small businesses employing over 60 million people 

Making more income is the primary motivation for starting a business in 14 states, including New Hampshire, North Dakota, and Alabama 

Utah has a high percentage (65.4%) of entrepreneurs starting businesses to achieve a work-life balance, possibly influenced by the state's large average family size and strong religious presence 

In Florida, the majority of business founders (69.2%) start their businesses to become their own bosses 

New York and California stand out as states where entrepreneurs often start businesses because they couldn't find a job, reflecting challenges in these states' job markets 

Small businesses remain vital to the U.S. economy, having added over 12.9 million jobs in the last 25 years, accounting for two-thirds of job growth 

In 2021, a record-breaking 5.4 million new business applications were filed in the U.S., highlighting the ongoing importance of entrepreneurship