An updated rule on restricting exports of U.S. chipmaking equipment to China is nearing the final review stage 

U.S. officials have recently warned China to expect updated rules on shipments of semiconductor equipment and advanced AI chips 

These updates aim to add more restrictions and close existing loopholes in regulations introduced on October 7, 2022 

The initial rules had strained relations between Beijing and Washington 

A regulation titled "Export controls to Semiconductor Manufacturing Items, Entity List Modifications" has been posted on the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) website 

This posting confirms the expected restriction on sending chipmaking tools to China 

Typically, OMB doesn't post export control rules until there's an agreement between various U.S. departments, including State, Defense, Commerce, and Energy 

There's an anticipation of another rule update related to exports of high-end chips used for artificial intelligence, but it hasn't been posted yet 

The Biden administration is aiming to publish both rules simultaneously 

The U.S. Department of Commerce has declined to comment on this matter