You will be offered a six-month grace period after you graduate or cease to be enrolled in school before you are expected to begin making payments on your subsidized loans. 

During this time, you won’t be required to make any payments on your loans, and no interest will accrue on your subsidized loans. 

The grace period is designed to give you time to find a job and get on your feet financially before you have to start making payments on your loans. 

However, keep in mind that interest will begin accruing on your unsubsidized loans during the grace period 

so if you have both subsidized and unsubsidized loans, you may want to consider making payments on your unsubsidized loans during this time to avoid accruing more interest. 

Once your grace period is over, you’ll be required to start making payments on your subsidized loans. 

The repayment period for subsidized loans is generally 10 years, although you may be eligible for an extended repayment plan if you have a large amount of debt.

During the repayment period, you’ll be required to make monthly payments on your loans, which will include both principal and interest.