According to Islamic law, Riba is defined as any increase in the amount of the loan that is charged to the borrower.  

This increase can be in the form of a fixed rate of interest, a percentage of the principal amount, or any other form of compensation that is agreed upon by the parties involved. 

This means that any loan that involves the payment of interest, whether it is a personal loan, a mortgage, or a credit card debt, is considered to be haram in Islam.

The prohibition of Riba in Islam is based on the belief that it creates an unjust and exploitative system that benefits the lender at the expense of the borrower. 

This is because interest-based loans create a cycle of debt that is difficult to break, especially for those who are already struggling financially 

The high rates of interest charged by lenders can also lead to inflation and other economic problems 

which can further exacerbate the financial difficulties faced by individuals and communities.

Islamic finance is based on the principle of risk-sharing, which means that profits and losses are shared between the lender and the borrower.