Jennifer Gemski, a working mother of three, left her job as an assistive technology specialist due to the rigid in-office schedule imposed by her employer 

The demanding schedule, with early morning meetings and late-night lectures, made it impossible for Gemski to balance her work and family life 

Marcelle Folk, a business development specialist, faced similar challenges with a mandatory in-office requirement after the birth of her granddaughter 

Experts express concerns that such office mandates could reverse recent gains in workplace participation for women 

In 2022, a record number of working women, 65.6%, worked full-time, year-round, with a high labor force participation rate among women aged 25 to 54 

Work-from-home flexibility played a crucial role in enabling caregivers to maintain their jobs 

However, the trend towards in-office work may lead to increased childcare costs and hinder women's ability to work 

Many large companies have called employees back to the office, reducing opportunities for remote work 

Experts advocate for a flexible approach to work, allowing for a balance between in-person and remote collaboration 

Rising childcare costs, staffing shortages, and the end of pandemic funding pose challenges for working parents, potentially driving some mothers out of the workforce